Oct. 29, 2015Info
ClassNK (ClassNK-PEERLESS) wins Innovation Award at the Lloyd’s List Asia Awards 2015
ClassNK-PEERLESS received the Innovation Award at the Lloyd’s List Asia Awards in Singapore on 29 October.

Only highly innovative technologies and projects that contribute to the further development of the shipping industry are eligible for the Innovation Award. ClassNK-PEERLESS has been shown to significantly shorten the time necessary to complete ballast water treatment system retrofit work.
在Lloyd’s List Asia Awards 2015上曾获The Innovation Award奖项(2015年10 月)
Lloyd’s List Asia Awards是由英国海事媒体Informal,为表彰在亚洲地区海事产业上做出巨大贡献的企业· 组织而举办的典礼。
The Innovation Award是针对有助于海洋运输业进一步发展的创新技术和项目的奖项。ClassNKPEERLESS 因被评价可以大幅缩短压载水处理设备的改造工作时间而荣获此奖项。